
Windale Primary Schools

St Pius X Primary School

St Pius X Primary School, Windale

St Pius X Primary School, Windale is a Kindergarten to Year 6 systemic school in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle that aims to provide a sound educational framework that will equip pupils with the skills to make a worthwhile contribution to society and ultimately achieve personal development.

Smaller class sizes allow teachers at St Pius X to focus on the individual child and give them the assistance they require to reach their full potential.

With a large percentage of students identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, St Pius X supports Indigenous students through their education and assists them in helping them achieve their best. The school provides opportunities for members of the school community to enhance their appreciation and knowledge of Aboriginal Australia and Aboriginal spirituality and strives to identify, appreciate and respect Aboriginal families in the community and actively involve them in the education of students and school activities.


School Info


(02) 4948 8467


2 Lake Street, Windale, 2306

2 Lake Street, Windale, 2306


Mr Stephen Pryde


Jesus the Good Shepherd East Lake Macquarie

Download Our Latest Annual Report

Associated Parish

Parish of Jesus the Good Shepherd East Lake Macquarie