St Joseph’s Catholic College, Aberdeen
St Joseph’s Catholic College, Aberdeen, is a Catholic co-educational school accepting students for Years 7-12 from the parishes of Aberdeen, Denman, Merriwa, Muswellbrook, Scone, Murrurundi, and surrounding areas. We are committed in partnership with families and parishes to meet the academic, social, physical, and spiritual needs of our students. The school is located in the Upper Hunter on the traditional lands of Wonnarua country on the upper reaching banks of the Hunter River overlooking rich farmland.
St Joseph’s is an authentic learning community with a rigorous and comprehensive academic curriculum promoting high standards of education for all students. The school proudly offers a variety of academic and vocational education subjects. The Mary MacKillop Trade Training Centre, and fully refurbished hospitality rooms, provide students with the opportunity to receive a nationally recognised Australian Qualification studied as part of the HSC.
Agriculture is highly valued at St Joseph’s with students exposed to a variety of real-life experiences and interactive projects on the school farm and at The Olive Grove property near Muswellbrook. Students regularly attend regional and interstate shows and competitions such as the NSW Interschools Meat Judging Competition and property planning competitions.

School Info
Segenhoe Street, Aberdeen, 2336
PO Box 12, Aberdeen, 2336
Mrs Veronica Rolfe