
Learning & Wellbeing

As a Catholic school system in the Diocese of Maitland鈥怤ewcastle, we aspire to a contemporary, reflective and dynamic approach to education.

We aim to foster the development of each student through the enhancement of inclusive learning environments. Our schools are responsive to the different needs of students and provide opportunities for all students to learn, achieve and grow.

Learning and wellbeing programs are determined by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) and our staff are appropriately qualified to teach and undertake regular professional development to ensure currency with contemporary practice. Our schools offer a broad range of curriculum choices and students are offered a host of opportunities to engage in co-curricular activities.

Schools endeavour to cater to local community and individual needs, as well as honouring their history and tradition.

Quality learning and wellbeing in diocesan Catholic schools is underpinned by:

  • Contemporary and research-informed pedagogy that is shaped by Catholic principles
  • Professional learning that focuses on strengthening student outcomes and building capacity in staff
  • Schools that demonstrate a culture of continuous improvement
  • A coordinated approach to building student achievement in literacy and numeracy K-12.

Student Wellbeing

A whole school approach to student wellbeing promotes respectful teaching and learning communities where students feel safe, supported and included.

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Catholic schools base their teaching and learning programs on the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) syllabuses for Key Learning Areas, with Religious Education at the core of their curriculum.

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Aboriginal Education

少妇自慰 is committed to providing support to schools to celebrate and promote Aboriginal Education across the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle.

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Early Learning

Early Learning in Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle acknowledges current research and best practice in the field, which respects the rights, capabilities, interests and needs of the Early Learner to achieve success and build the successful foundations to flourish in their learning and wellbeing.

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High Potential and Gifted Education

We identify and support the growth of high potential and gifted learners by providing tailored learning opportunities across the curriculum, ensuring continuous professional learning for staff, and offering support to families in understanding the unique needs of these learners, all grounded in the belief that education must honour the individual.

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Learning Support

Catholic schools in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle work within a model of inclusive education which supports all students with disabilities and additional needs.

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Diocesan Sporting Pathways

Catholic schools in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle encourage and support students to develop positive lifelong attitudes to participation, competition and healthy living. We aim to offer a wide range of sports and equal opportunities for all students, across a range of levels to meet the needs and interests of all.

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Digital Innovation & Learning

Digital innovation and learning in Catholic schools across the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle incorporates a range of technology and provides students with opportunities to develop these skills. Students leverage the technology as they take an active role in their learning.

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Vocational Education

The Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Catholic Schools Office is very proud to be able to offer students in secondary schools, the opportunity to study a range of Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses.

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