
Mayfield °­â€“12

St Dominic’s Catholic College

St Dominic’s Catholic College, Mayfield

St Dominic’s Catholic College, Mayfield is a Kindergarten to Year 12 school that provides educational excellence for children with a range of disabilities including hearing impairment, Autism Spectrum Disorder and/ or Cognitive disability.

St Dominic’s focuses on building positive and authentic connections with our students. The community at St Dominic’s aims to create a comfortable teaching and learning environment where students feel empowered and confident.

St Dominic’s understands student engagement and learning begins with knowing the individual, their strengths and challenges. The school believes in providing students with the knowledge, attitude, skills, and values to support them to reach their potential post-school.


School Info


(02) 4968 1295


76 Havelock Street, Mayfield, 2304


Mrs Rachel Jones



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Associated Parish

Parish of Mayfield